
Boston Theater Marathon 21 - Themes and First Impressions

It is with vim and vigor that I return from having watched fifty plays in ten hours. You'd think after all that, I'd want to plop on my bed never to reawaken, but seeing that barrage of talent and creativity hour after hour it only pumped me full of adrenaline and I've got to share some of my thoughts before turning to bed. First, some house keeping. Apparently two years ago they stopped doing the warm up laps so I have nothing to comment on regarding them as they didn't happen. Second, I will not be writing full reviews of all the plays. In fact I currently plan on only reviewing fourteen, split up into seven thematic pairs. This does not necessarily mean that these are my favorites (though I admit to greatly liking all fourteen of them) but it more means that I really want to discuss and examine these fourteen plays in particular. This meant that in some comedies I really enjoyed I will not be reviewing because I don't know if I'd have a much to say but ...

Back Again!!!

Hey all! So it is with some remiss to consider that it has been FOUR years since I've updated this blog. It's been FOUR long years since I've neglected to finish my reviews and FOUR long years since I've had the opportunity to watch the Boston Theater Marathon Again. So why am I coming back? Well, the truth of the matter is that three of those four years I've sadly been acting in a play that coincided with the Boston Theater Marathon or I had rehearsal during such a period. It seems blatantly insane for theater companies to tie up their actors during such an important cross-theater extravaganza such as this, but I am here to tell you that that's the truth. The other year? I was completely broke and couldn't justify buying tickets. But that's all changed now! I am NOT either performing in any or in rehearsals for any shows right now so I'm all charged up to once again revisit my marathon reviewing attempt. In my last two times I have not once c...

Policy Change

I know it's against the rules, but I'm calling "backsies". I've gotten a lot of feedback since I posted my first batch of reviews, both from people who really like the reviews and others that believe I should, to put it delicately, be more judicious with my criticism. It's been a lot of food for thought and after much chewing I've come to a decision. The marathon is first and foremost a celebration. It's a celebration of the diversity of talent both behind the page and on the stage of the entire greater Boston theater community. It is not a competition, and it is not a showcase of works that have had the benefit of work-shopping. Rehearsal time is limited which makes sense. The marathon is a singular performance, and most of these works will probably never be performed again. While I believe very strongly in the benefits of full-throated criticism I think I might have been wrong in holding the plays as a whole to a very high standard. So much o...

12:00 to 1:00 - Reviews

I will say, as a warning folks, the first hour of the marathon was inauspicious. I was a trifle worried after this first hour as I had managed to convince my friend Will to watch entire marathon with me and I was concerned that the plays presented in the first hour might be representative of plays witnessed throughout the rest of the day. Fortunately such concerns proved unfounded, but in general this was a rocky way to begin a full day of theater. Also, I don't plan on writing as much about MOST of the plays as I attempted to do last year. I'll break this rule generally, but don't surprised if I only devote a paragraph or so to each show.  And now without further much ado, onto the reviews! Broken News by Robert Brustein - Sponsored by New Repertory Theater  My friend Jake begged me not write this. Unbeknownst to me prior to writing this, Robert Brustein is a very big name. He founded both Yale Rep and the A.R.T. To say his influence looms large i...

Hair of the Dog by Constance Congdon - A Review

So surprise surprise! It turns out I WAS actually able to make it to the warm up laps. Unfortunately I was only able to attend the very first play. So I still feel quite bad for missing the others but I do what I can do. I will say the set up was extremely strange. The staged readings this year are being performed at the Plaza Theater, but instead of taking advantage of the pre-set and spacious risers already in the space, the organizers decided to have the audience sit in the stage area and have the readers read in the seats. I think it may have been a poor decision, as there were barely enough seats to house the crowd gathered for the festivities. (though there was free food!) But onto the play! We begin the Boston Theater Marathon with a full length comedy in iambic rhyming verse by Connie Congdon entitled Hair of the Dog. This was a very very interesting play. First a brief synopsis: The play opens on Shakespeare in his underwear mourning the death of his friend and colleague...

I Have Survived!

Greetings, gentle ladies and men! I sit now alone on my porch in the dead middle of night, typing this missive before my eyes pop out of their sockets from fatigue and I'm forced to finish the rest of this blog via dictation. Once again I have attended, witnessed and taken copious notes of the annual Boston Theater Marathon. And once again I found it a completely entertaining and fully worthwhile use of my time and money. It's a wonderful testament to the flourish Boston theater scene that so many theaters come together under the guidance of Kate Snodgrass to put on such a smorgasbord of new plays. I'm so glad to have gotten to see them all and I can't wait to start writing about them. But first let's discuss the marathon as a whole this year, and then I'll quickly list my top thirteen. More complete reviews will be forthcoming. Last year, being my first time watching the entire thing, I think I was initially blown away by the sheer variety of pieces and it ...

Mea Culpa

Hi, so this is both an apology and an announcement. First the apology: I think I have may have been too optimistic regarding how much I could review last year. The amount of time I was spending reviewing each ten minutes show meant that the amount of work it took to review all of them was a bit too arduous for one man to take on. Well, this one man, at least. I apologize to anyone who read this blog last year, hoping I was going to get to your play. I could go back and look over my notes. In general I still very vividly remember all the plays but I think it's time to look towards the future. So it is with an equal amount of excitement and trepidation that I announce that once more will I be watching and hopefully reviewing all fifty plays in this year's Boston Theater Marathon. If for some reason you're reading this and you don't know what the Boston Theater Marathon is... then that's sort of weird. But just in case: The Boston Theater Marathon i...