Boston Theater Marathon 21 - Themes and First Impressions

It is with vim and vigor that I return from having watched fifty plays in ten hours. You'd think after all that, I'd want to plop on my bed never to reawaken, but seeing that barrage of talent and creativity hour after hour it only pumped me full of adrenaline and I've got to share some of my thoughts before turning to bed. First, some house keeping. Apparently two years ago they stopped doing the warm up laps so I have nothing to comment on regarding them as they didn't happen. Second, I will not be writing full reviews of all the plays. In fact I currently plan on only reviewing fourteen, split up into seven thematic pairs. This does not necessarily mean that these are my favorites (though I admit to greatly liking all fourteen of them) but it more means that I really want to discuss and examine these fourteen plays in particular. This meant that in some comedies I really enjoyed I will not be reviewing because I don't know if I'd have a much to say but ...