Policy Change
I know it's against the rules, but I'm calling "backsies". I've gotten a lot of feedback since I posted my first batch of reviews, both from people who really like the reviews and others that believe I should, to put it delicately, be more judicious with my criticism. It's been a lot of food for thought and after much chewing I've come to a decision. The marathon is first and foremost a celebration. It's a celebration of the diversity of talent both behind the page and on the stage of the entire greater Boston theater community. It is not a competition, and it is not a showcase of works that have had the benefit of work-shopping. Rehearsal time is limited which makes sense. The marathon is a singular performance, and most of these works will probably never be performed again. While I believe very strongly in the benefits of full-throated criticism I think I might have been wrong in holding the plays as a whole to a very high standard. So much o...